R Script(Big Data) Practical Slip Solution


                           R Language Program

Q1. Write an R program to find the maximum and the minimum value of a given vector.



> nums = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)                                                                                              

> print('Original vector:')

[1] "Original vector:"

> print(nums)  

[1] 10 20 30 40 50 60

> print(paste("Maximum value of the said vector:",max(nums)))

[1] "Maximum value of the said vector: 60"

> print(paste("Minimum value of the said vector:",min(nums)))

[1] "Minimum value of the said vector: 10"



Q.2 Write an R program to sort a Vector in ascending and descending order.


> x = c(10, 20, 30, 25, 9, 26)

> print("Original Vectors:")

[1] "Original Vectors:"

> print(x)

[1] 10 20 30 25  9 26

> print("Sort in ascending order:")

[1] "Sort in ascending order:"

> print(sort(x))

[1]  9 10 20 25 26 30


> print("Sort in descending order:")

[1] "Sort in descending order:"

> print(sort(x, decreasing=TRUE))

[1] 30 26 25 20 10  9


Q3. Write an R program to compare two data frames to find the elements in first data frame  that are not present in second data frame.


>df_92 = data.frame(

+     "item" = c("item1", "item2", "item3"),

+     "Jan_sale" = c(12, 14, 12),

+     "Feb_sale" = c(11, 12, 15),

+     "Mar_sale" = c(12, 14, 15)

+ )

> df_93 = data.frame(

+     "item" = c("item1", "item2", "item3"),

+     "Jan_sale" = c(12, 14, 12),

+     "Feb_sale" = c(11, 12, 15),

+     "Mar_sale" = c(12, 15, 18)


+ )

> print("Original Dataframes:")

[1] "Original Dataframes:"

> print(df_92)

   item Jan_sale Feb_sale Mar_sale

1 item1       12       11       12

2 item2       14       12       14

3 item3       12       15       15

> print(df_93)

   item Jan_sale Feb_sale Mar_sale

1 item1       12       11       12

2 item2       14       12       15

3 item3       12       15       18

> print("Row(s) in first data frame that are not present in second data frame:")

[1] "Row(s) in first data frame that are not present in second data frame:"

> print(setdiff(df_92,df_93))


1       12

2       14

3       15



 Q.4 Write an R program to extract first 10 English letter in lower case and last 10 letters in upper case and extract letters between 22nd to 24th letters in upper case.


> print("First 10 letters in lower case:")

[1] "First 10 letters in lower case:"

> t = head(letters, 10)

> print(t)

 [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j"

> print("Last 10 letters in upper case:")

[1] "Last 10 letters in upper case:"

> t = tail(LETTERS, 10)

> print(t)

 [1] "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"


> print("Letters between 22nd to 24th letters in upper case:")

[1] "Letters between 22nd to 24th letters in upper case:"

> e = tail(LETTERS[22:24])

> print(e)

[1] "V" "W" "X"



Q.5 Write an R program to find Sum, Mean and Product of a Vector.


 > x = c(10, 20, 30)

> print("Sum:")

[1] "Sum:"

> print(sum(x))

[1] 60

> print("Mean:")

[1] "Mean:"

> print(mean(x)) 

[1] 20

> print("Product:")

[1] "Product:"

> print(prod(x))

[1] 6000




 Q.6.Write an R program to create a simple bar plot of five subject’s marks


> marks = c(70, 95, 80, 74)

> barplot(marks,

+         main = "Comparing marks of 5 subjects",

+         xlab = "Marks",

+         ylab = "Subject",

+         names.arg = c("C++", "Javascript", "PHP", "Rscript."),

+         col = "darkred",

+         horiz = FALSE)





Q.7 Write an R program to create a Dataframes which contain details of 5 employees and display the details in ascending order



> Employees = data.frame(Name=c("Kiran K","Ravindra K","Sudhir A", "Mahesh N","Rupali"),

+                        Gender=c("M","M","M","M","F"),

+                        Age=c(23,22,25,26,32),



+                        Designation=c("Clerk","Manager","Exective","CEO","ASSISTANT"),

+                        SSN=c("123-34-2346","123-44-779","556-24-433","123-98-987","679-77-576")

+ )

> print("Details of the employees:")                     

[1] "Details of the employees:"

> print(Employees)

        Name Gender  Age   Designation         SSN

1    Kiran K      M   23       Clerk            123-34-2346

2 Ravindra K      M   22     Manager     123-44-779

3   Sudhir A      M    25    Exective         556-24-433

4   Mahesh N      M    26       CEO       123-98-987

5     Rupali      F     32       ASSISTANT        679-77-576


Q.8 Write an R program to create a data frame using two given vectors and display the duplicated elements and unique rows of the said data frame.


 > a = c(10,20,10,10,40,50,20,30)

> b = c(10,30,10,20,0,50,30,30)

> print("Original data frame:")

[1] "Original data frame:"

> ab = data.frame(a,b)

> print(ab)

   a  b

1 10 10

2 20 30

3 10 10

4 10 20

5 40  0

6 50 50

7 20 30

8 30 30

> print("Duplicate elements of the said data frame:")

[1] "Duplicate elements of the said data frame:"

> print(duplicated(ab))


> print("Unique rows of the said data frame:")

[1] "Unique rows of the said data frame:"

> print(unique(ab))

   a  b

1 10 10

2 20 3

4 10 20

5 40  0

6 50 50

8 30 30




Q.9 Write an R program to change the first level of a factor with another level of a given factor.


> v = c("a", "b", "a", "c", "b")

> print("Original vector:")

[1] "Original vector:"

> print(v)

[1] "a" "b" "a" "c" "b"

> f = factor(v)

> print("Factor of the said vector:")

[1] "Factor of the said vector:"

> print(f)

[1] a b a c b

Levels: a b c

> levels(f)[1] = "e"

> print(f)

[1] e b e c b

Levels: e b c



 Q.10 Write a script in R to create a list of cities and perform the following

1) Give names to the elements in the list.

2) Add an element at the end of the list.

3) Remove the last element.

4) Update the 3rd Element



> my_list <-list("Pune","Mumbai","Nashik")

> my_list


[1] "Pune"



[1] "Mumbai"



[1] "Nashik"


> append(my_list,"Delhi")


[1] "Pune"



[1] "Mumbai"



[1] "Nashik"


[1] "Delhi"

> print("Remove the last element of the list:")

[1] "Remove the last element of the list:"

> my_list[-4]


[1] "Pune"



[1] "Mumbai"



[1] "Nashik"

> print("Update the third element of the list:")

[1] "Update the third element of the list:"

> my_list[3] =  "Shirdi"

> print("New list:")

[1] "New list:"

> print(my_list)


[1] "Pune"


[1] "Mumbai"


[1] "Shirdi



Q.11 Write a script in R to create two vectors of different lengths and give these vectors as input to array and print addition and subtraction of those matrices.

Ans:- > matrix1 <- matrix(c(3, 9, -1, 4, 2, 6), nrow = 2)

> print(matrix1)

 [,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,]    3   -1    2

[2,]    9    4    6

> matrix2 <- matrix(c(5, 2, 0, 9, 3, 4), nrow = 2)

> print(matrix2)

     [,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,]    5    0    3

[2,]    2    9    4

> result <- matrix1 + matrix2

> cat("Result of addition","\n")

Result of addition

> print(result)

     [,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,]    8   -1    5

[2,]   11   13   10

> result <- matrix1 - matrix2

> cat("Result of subtraction","\n")

Result of subtraction

> print(result)

     [,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,]   -2   -1   -1   [2,]    7   -5   

Q.12 Write an R Program to calculate Multiplication Table


> num = as.integer(readline(prompt = "Enter a number: "))

Enter a number: 4

> for(i in 1:10)

+ { print(paste(num,'x', i, '=', num*i)) }

[1] "4 x 1 = 4"

[1] "4 x 2 = 8"

[1] "4 x 3 = 12"

[1] "4 x 4 = 16"

[1] "4 x 5 = 20"

[1] "4 x 6 = 24"

[1] "4 x 7 = 28"

[1] "4 x 8 = 32"

[1] "4 x 9 = 36"

[1] "4 x 10 = 40"




 Q.13 Consider the inbuilt iris dataset

i) Create a variable “y” and attach to it the output attribute of the “iris” dataset.

ii) Create a barplot to breakdown your output attribute.

iii) Create a density plot matrix for each attribute by class value


> data("iris")

> dataset <- iris

> dataset <- iris

> colnames(dataset) <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Lenght", "Petal.Width", "Species")

> library(caret)

> library(mlbench)

> validation_index <- createDataPartition(dataset$Species, p=0.80, list=FALSE)

> validation <- dataset[-validation_index,]

> dataset <- dataset[validation_index,]

> dim(dataset)

[1] 120   5

> sapply(dataset, class)

Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width Petal.Lenght  Petal.Width      Species

   "numeric"    "numeric"    "numeric"    "numeric"     "factor"

> head(dataset)

  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Lenght Petal.Width Species

1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa

2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa

3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa

4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa

5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa

6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

> levels(dataset$Species

[1] "setosa"     "versicolor" "virginica"

> percentage <- prop.table(table(dataset$Species)) * 100

> cbind(freq=table(dataset$Species), percentage=percentage)

           freq percentage

setosa       40   33.33333

versicolor   40   33.33333

virginica    40   33.33333

> summary(dataset)

  Sepal.Length    Sepal.Width     Petal.Lenght    Petal.Width          Species 

 Min.   :4.300   Min.   :2.200   Min.   :1.000   Min.   :0.100   setosa    :40 

 1st Qu.:5.100   1st Qu.:2.800   1st Qu.:1.600   1st Qu.:0.300   versicolor:40 

 Median :5.800   Median :3.000   Median :4.200   Median :1.300   virginica :40 

 Mean   :5.858   Mean   :3.049   Mean   :3.773   Mean   :1.202                 

 3rd Qu.:6.425   3rd Qu.:3.300   3rd Qu.:5.100   3rd Qu.:1.800                 

 Max.   :7.900   Max.   :4.400   Max.   :6.900   Max.   :2.500                 

> x <- dataset[,1:4]

> y <- dataset[,5]

> plot(y)

> scales <- list(x=list(relation="free"), y=list(relation ="free"))

> featurePlot(x=x,y=y, plot = "density", scales = scales)





Q.14.Write an R program to concatenate two given factor in a single factor and display in descending order.


> f1 <- factor(sample(LETTERS, size=6, replace=TRUE))

> f2 <- factor(sample(LETTERS, size=6, replace=TRUE))

> print("Original factors:")

[1] "Original factors:"

> print(f1)

[1] A Y W N Q U

Levels: A N Q U W Y

> print(f2)

[1] C J Z L V C

Levels: C J L V Z

> f = factor(c(levels(f1)[f1], levels(f2)[f2]))

> print("After concatenate factor becomes:")

[1] "After concatenate factor becomes:"

> print(f)

 [1] A Y W N Q U C J Z L V C

Levels: A C J L N Q U V W Y Z


> print("sort in descending order:")

[1] "sort in descending order:"

> print(sort(f,decreasing = FALSE))

 [1] A C  J L N Q U V W Y Z

Levels: A C J L N Q U V W Y Z



Q.15.Write an R program to extract the five of the levels of factor created from a random sample from the LETTERS



> L = sample(LETTERS,size=50,replace=TRUE)

> print("Original data:")

[1] "Original data:"

> print(L)

 [1] "Z" "D" "I" "P" "K" "Q" "L" "N" "U" "W" "H" "Q" "M" "E" "C" "B" "D" "V" "V" "V"

[21] "L" "I" "N" "Q" "H" "D" "S" "E" "H" "P" "R" "S" "G" "Y" "Q" "I" "M" "W" "M" "X"

[41] "B" "S" "J" "X" "K" "D" "C" "F" "W" "I"

> f = factor(L)

> print("Original factors:")

[1] "Original factors:"

> print(f)

 [1] Z D I P K Q L N U W H Q M E C B D V V V L I N Q H D S E H P R S G Y Q I M W M X

[41] B S J X K D C F W I

Levels: B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S U V W X Y Z

> print("Only five of the levels")

[1] "Only five of the levels"

> print(table(L[1:5]))



1 1 1 1 1

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